Saturday, August 31, 2013

So close but yet feels so far far away

There are still many nice unspoiled and undiscovered spots in the world. You don't have to go far far away. Something 'Lighthouse Island' does have proven again. All the enthusiastic posts on Facebook by the few lucky ones who had the opportunity to visit the spot, made me share this great experience here as well.


Lighthouse Island can only be reached by a 45-60 min boat trip leaving from the quay in Amsterdam. The island is no bigger than 2 football fields.What to expect on the Island? small hills, flowers, goats, blackberries, remains of a fort, one small house occupied by 2 people for anti-theftAnd of course the lighthouse. And these days a restaurant in a glass house. A so called 'pop-up' restaurant, which is there for just one month this summer. 
A very nice couple subscribed for a competition to exploit the beautiful island, organized by the Dutch Forestry Commission (literally translated). Since the race has not been decided yet - just 2 participants are still on of which this creative couple - this couple convinced the commission to get Amsterdam acquainted with this special place already. The organic food was amazing and the atmosphere with just 20 people allowed made it an unforgettable experience. Fingers crossed that the hospitable couple will win and Amsterdam will have a new amazing spot to visit!


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Let's have some Bites

If you ever need a caterer, please DO call me! Today I had my first - and hopefully not my last - assignment. Besides that it was very fun to do, I am very happy with the positive reactions!

It was quite a job and hard work, preparing little bites for 70> people, but oh so worth it! Since it was my first time, I had all kinds of start-up difficulties. The toughest one was called 'space'; space in my kitchen, space on plates and especially space in my fridge…. Timing is also known as a challenge. How long before party time can you start with the finishing touch? Too early and things will get cold (or warm), old or smelly. Pffoehh. Oh and quantity of course. Over 70 guests… that is more people than my regular birthday party.

But I made it! within time span, with the right quantities and the right look&feel! So now I know I can do 70. What is next! 

Here Some snap shots of the Bites

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The p from Pin It!

I have a new hobby: Pinterest! When I came it across for the first time, immediately questions arose like: What is pinterest? Can I do this or should you be extremely creative to do this? What is the use or is it just another way to kill time? 

It is GREAT!!! it is like creating mood boards to get inspired. Are you allergic for paper, scissors and glue? No problem, Pin It! 

How does it work? Well, imagine you invited some friends to come over for dinner. What to make this time? your amazing pasta with spinach and blue chees? neah, you've made it too often already. Pinterest allows you to collect images on the World Wide Web and guides you to the related site where you can find the recipe. Once you started looking you can find the most amazing YUMMY pictures! Only thing is that you still have to cook yourself, obviously…

Currently I'm looking for a new apartment. And this new apartment has to be furnished. There are so many beautiful chairs, tables, lamps, carpets, colours, etc etc. To get inspired I surf over the WWW and when I see nice furniture or colour combinations, wallpaper, I just Pin It, save the picture on my 'New Home' board and I will never forget about it anymore and I can still go back to the website.

Would you like to get some more background information? Google 'Pinterest tutorial' and you will get access to all kinds of Youtube films and sides.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Networking like hell

684 Facebook friends, 480 links on LinkedIn, colleagues, ex-colleagues, business relations, sport buddies, classmates from primary-, high school and University, travel companions, festival friends, …, etc, etc. How to keep up with everybody's lives? Pffoehhh 

A possible definition of networking is to establish and maintain contacts who can help you in your job, your career and your personal life. In Dutch Networking can be explained as 'Just working', which sometimes is very true. When you are lucky some connections overlap: friendship started at primary school, you went together to high school and even to same uni or you go to the gym with a colleague. But in other cases you met somebody in a specific setting, but lost regular contact due to change of situation. Like with ex-colleagues. being in different environment it is difficult to stay in touch, although there was a great vibe when seeing each other on a daily basis. What to do? Forcing yourself (and the other) to keep up, put a hold on it?

Some people advice to choose with whom to stay in touch and shorten your list of T.M.V.I.C.'s (To Me Very Important Connection). Otherwise it will drive you crazy. I do support the last part. For me staying in touch with everybody can be a pitfall; I can feel guilty when I haven't responded to emails or phone calls at all or even not on a short notice, when I forgot about a birthday…  Thanks to the world wide web, you can track and trace people, Facebook and LinkedIn give updates on peoples lives and steps. 

Trust in people's positive intention and I don't think you have to choose nor you have to feel guilty. No matter where and when was the last time you had contact, you always can get in touch (again). In the end you will see that networking is closer to heaven than to hell with all the energy it can give you!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Unspoiled beautiful golden Myanmar

Myanmar the country of gold, the country of pagodas, monks, lovely people, beautiful nature, more pagodas, more monks, tea, quite some rubbish everywhere around you, very very slow trains, Buddism, longyi, guesthouse Mr Kid, vomit bags, winery, some English but mainly sign language for tourists, Mandalay, Inle Lake, Bagan, Yangon or Rangoon.

And did I mention unspoiled? Within 24 hours somebody had asked me if the mobile phone I was carrying was an Iphone5. 'You know Iphone5? It is the newest version of Apple's smart phone. It is really fast, slim, light.' ehhhhh how come YOU know about the existence of Apple and Iphone at all. I thought this country was still untouched by western marketing…. apparently not. But that doesn't make this paradise less interesting. 

Mountains, valleys, many many yellow flowers, amazing sun sets, terrific sun rises, dogs and dogs and dogs, incomprehensible script, meditation, saddle pain, intestines for dinner, no cash machines what results in black markets to change your dollars, Infinity Buddha Power pills, Golden Rock, Pakokku, Hsipaw, Amarapura.

A country you really should go to! Especially if you love the challenge of finding your way around and the uncertainty of having a nice bed each night. In that case, please go as soon as possible. Since 2012 tourism is exploding; the number of hotels and buses is growing. One time I had to pay for a - what they called - a 'toilet'. Myanmar still has the charm of Buddhism and peacefulness