Sunday, August 11, 2013

Let's have some Bites

If you ever need a caterer, please DO call me! Today I had my first - and hopefully not my last - assignment. Besides that it was very fun to do, I am very happy with the positive reactions!

It was quite a job and hard work, preparing little bites for 70> people, but oh so worth it! Since it was my first time, I had all kinds of start-up difficulties. The toughest one was called 'space'; space in my kitchen, space on plates and especially space in my fridge…. Timing is also known as a challenge. How long before party time can you start with the finishing touch? Too early and things will get cold (or warm), old or smelly. Pffoehh. Oh and quantity of course. Over 70 guests… that is more people than my regular birthday party.

But I made it! within time span, with the right quantities and the right look&feel! So now I know I can do 70. What is next! 

Here Some snap shots of the Bites

1 comment:

  1. Hi miss! looking for more posts! Keep them coming!!! :-)
