Thursday, August 11, 2011

Right time, right place, right people...

.. and a  little bit of guts. These are the ingredients to meet new people. Some people have it in them, some people need to be challenged and others probably will never get it. And sometimes, in some of my cases, a bit of naivety comes along i'm afraid.

Last weekend it was pouring like crazy in Amsterdam. That afternoon there had been the Gay Pride. City was a mess and I was walking home along one of the canals. Alone, in the rain, no jacket, on foot.  Suddenly two men, in a very petit boat, together under one umbrella with a glass of wine in their hands and a cute big dog on board, were floating by. I had to laugh at that picture and obviously they saw me struggling in the rain, since they asked in which direction I had to go to. They invited me on their boat to bring me home. That evening ended in a bar with the three of us, after having had dinner together and a lot of nice, interesting conversations and a lot of laughter.

I had ignored all the wise lessons everybody learns as soon as you are able to make your first steps: do not go with strange men!!!

First, the setting was perfect (in my opinion) - timing couldn't have been better since it was raining like hell. Place was perfect, because I had to walk for at least another 20 minutes. And also the combination of people was interesting - two big guys in a small boat trying to fit under one umbrella and a big dog looking  how dogs look when they are standing in the rain. Girl dressed like it was max sunny summer season with 30 degrees.
And that is when the guts came along. They asked me, a girl who they totally didn't know, on their boat, what is a bit weird here in NL. Talking OK, but inviting people to come close and a bit into your life, is not that normal. And from my part, to accept such a nice, but still tricky offer, without being suspicious is also not vey Dutch.

No Guts No Glory!

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