And in that part of the story where I come in - I am always in to meeting new people and to find new ways of improving my workshop Dutch habits & traditions. The most difficult part of the workshop is to find enough participants to go ahead with the workshop. SPOT Relocation has the same, they are also seeking for new clients to support. How can we help each other - a cultural workshop organizer and a relocator. How SPOT can help me is perhaps quite obvious: they can provide all their customers with a flyer of the workshop and my contact details. But how can the workshopper help the mover? Obviously, the participants of the workshop are already located in The Netherlands. Actually, to get the most from the workshop it is important that they have a few weeks/months experience with Dutchies. Perhaps the participants themselves are not the best target, but they might work for an interesting company. Besides that, quite some friends of mine work for an international organization. There is always a way to help each other, as long as you are being creative. And sometimes it is even easier than you think.
Interested in more information about SPOT Relocations? Please go to their site and contact Henriette or Cathinca.