How to flirt? This question has anything but a comprehensive international answer. Flirting is a universal phenomenon but is largely culturally determined. In some countries, people flirt with everything and everyone openly on the streets, but in other countries flirting is taboo or even illegal.
In The Netherlands flirting is not illegal, but on the other side we don't flirt too much open on the streets. It's a shame, because it would have made our lifes much easier. Dutchies are known to be open and direct. Well I can tell you, not pretty much with regards to this part of life. Or perhaps, may be too much...
Like in the southern parts of Europe - over there people flirt for fun. It's like a hobby. anyone of the opposite sex can be part of flirtation actions. You're crazy if you do it with your partner, but the rest of the world lies at your feet. They look deep into each others eyes - eyes say more than a thousand words.
In Latin America flirting is also one of the daily activities that make live much more fun. It doesn't matter how old you are. In fact, the older the smoother. Old men call and whistle after beautiful ladies and even girls. In these countries people dance! They dance till they drop - whole day, whole evening, whole night, whole morning until the sun comes up and with their bodies very close to each other.
They don't know red heads, no friends laughing and the guy buys a drink for that girl who does enter his advances. Nice and simple!
Dutch think flirting is scary. We are afraid to crash and burn. Therefore flirting is a necessity which we do with a clear goal in mind and not just for fun. In advance, we factored exactly what our chances are with the flirting object and which opening sentence we will use. We don't dance. Why not? we just can't to be honest. Dutch dance like winefarmers pressing their grapes - we stamp. Not pretty romantic compared to the Latino's.
Ultimately, the goal of flirting is universal - and I will describe it nicely - the need for love and intimacy that we all share.